Tired of watching everyone else book out?



If you are ready to up your game in the holiday home arena and create a stand out home that is booked out all year round then you need to get clear on your Vision.

Let's deep dive into YOUR own unique home's design, target market, features and your budget to create a Design Vision that will Stand Out and Sell Out!

You know it's time to invest in your interiors and create a stand out holiday stay for the success you desire but you are feeling....


* Overwhelmed with where to start

* Confused about how you will create a stand out stay

* Unsure if what you do will work


I am a mum to 3 boys, an interior designer and an interiors coach to holiday home owners.  It is my passion to help YOU to create stand out holiday stay's so that you can have a booked out business and create the life you want for you and your family.

"Love how you teach Katrina - very useful info, made easy and foolproof



"The outcome of working with Katrina has completely changed our holiday home, her vision of bringing a tired property to life has exceeded our expectations."





If you have been wondering how you can elevate your interiors in your holiday home to stand out - then YES, this is exactly for you.

You will walk away from this consultation with a clear vision and plan to get started on your interiors and create a stand out holiday property!

How does it work?

Before the Consultation -  You collect images of your holiday home as well as create a board on Pinterest and share with Katrina of your own dream interiors vision you would like for your holiday home.

During the Consultation - we will brainstorm through your parameters for your holiday stay design.  Ie. your target market, your home’s style, your budget, your own vision, it’s location etc. And with Katrina’s input and advice will create a magnetic and stand out design.

By the end of the Consultation - you will have a Visual Inspiration like this one for your Stand Out Interiors Vision for your Holiday Stay so that you can use it as your roadmap and guide for all of your interiors decisions and choices and create a stand out holiday home in your area.



  • Shared Pinterest Board
  • 1.5 hour Virtual Consultation
  • Katrina will Create your Design Vision
  • You will walk away with your clear vision for a stand our Holiday Stay so that you will draw more guests to your property.